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Test & Review of Bestonwardticket: a service for \”renting\” an exit ticket

When you travel in the classic way, you usually have a return ticket.

When we travel around the world or adopt a nomadic life like ours, it is less obvious and we regularly enter a country without knowing what our next step will be.

Some countries, however, require proof of exit in order to allow us to enter their territory. More precisely, they delegate this task to the airlines when checking in at the airport. They can do this with a certain zeal since in case of a problem, the “expulsion” of the traveler will be at their expense.

In Hong Kong, the employee had even chased us because she forgot to ask us for our proof of exit (which we didn’t have!).

The day before our departure for Colombia, we inquire about the rules applied in this country. We quickly realize that we will have to present a proof of exit. Problem: we do not know yet what will be our next stage.

There are two services(Onewayfly and Bestonwardticket) that allow to “truander”. Their principle is simple, you can “rent” a plane ticket for a few euros which will be valid for a few days, the time to return to the country. I don’t know exactly how they do it, in my opinion they buy business class tickets which can be cancelled without any fees.

I have tested the Bestonwardticket service. The site is less well done, only in English, but it’s cheaper (12 dollars per person vs 19 euros on Onewayfly).

The operation is childishly simple:

  • You enter the first and last names of the travellers
  • Your e-mail address
  • The airport of departure of the ticket you “rent”
  • As a paying option: the city of destination (5 dollars more) –> I don’t see too many cases where this can be useful.
  • The payment is done via Paypal.

I paid at 9:54 pm. At 9:29 pm I had the plane ticket in my mailbox. That’s 5 minutes of processing time!

The plane ticket looks like any other.

So I learn that I will do a Bogota – Atlanta with Delta Airlines.

As a matter of conscience, I go to the Delta Airlines website, click on “My trips”, enter the reservation code and my last name.

I can thus check that the reservation is there, perfectly valid, nothing distinguishes it from a “real” plane ticket.

The service is impeccable, and we won’t hesitate to use it again in the future.

The plane ticket is valid for 48 hours. It is possible to extend it free of charge for an additional 20 days by contacting Bestonwardticket by e-mail.

At the check-in in Miami, there was no lack of it, the hostess asked us for our proof of exit. I showed him the ticket on my phone: no problem.

Upon arrival in Medellin, Colombia, the immigration officer did not ask us anything.

More info on the countries where we have been asked for a ticket

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