Around the world
Guide pratique pour choisir et utiliser une carte SIM au Pérou
Voyager au Pérou est une expérience inoubliable, riche en découvertes culturelles et en paysages époustouflants. Cependant, rester connecté avec vos proches et accéder à Internet peut s’avérer compliqué et coûteux en raison des frais de roaming. Ce guide détaillé est conçu pour vous aider à naviguer dans le monde des cartes SIM au Pérou, en vous offrant des solutions pratiques et économiques. Le problème des frais de roaming lorsqu’on voyage au Pérou Lorsque vous voyagez depuis la France vers des destinations internationales comme le Pérou, votre opérateur mobile peut vous facturer des frais de roaming élevés pour les appels, les messages et l’utilisation des données. Ces frais peuvent rapidement s’accumuler,…
Holafly : my review + promo code
If you are looking for a coupon code for Holafly, here is a code that will give you a 5% discount : TOURDUMONDE5 You can also click on this link, the discount will be applied automatically. Holafly : what is it ? Holafly is a service offering SIM cards allowing you to use the Internet without spending a fortune. When you travel outside the European Union, you will be exposed, if you use your French SIM card, to roaming charges. The roaming fees are the fees that your operator will charge you to use the internet or make calls from abroad. And the bill can go up very quickly. As…
How to send your reMarkable notes to Google Drive using a Gmail alias
I bumped into this excellent free script : Fetch Gmail Attachment to Google Drive using Google Apps Script. I edited a little bit to match reMarkable users’ needs. This script will fetch all the attached files you send to your Gmail alias and save them on Google Drive. First of all, the script uses Gmail & Google Drive APIs. I won’t have access to your Gmail or Google Drive. Google will host your script in your private space here. 1- Create a new project on 2- On Editor, copy/paste my script 3- Here are a few things you may want to customize before using the script : Line 9.…
Minimalist Mics for Digital Nomads: Podcast or Zoom
I saw a question about the best microphone to create podcasts when you are a digital nomad on a forum. Implied: good sound, not too big, not too expensive, not too heavy. Having produced podcasts with bad sound quality (oops), I’ve been looking into this as well. I asked my sister who is over-equipped in this field because she is an amateur singer/YouTuber so she needs good sound. Rode VideoMic GO Compact Microphone She highly recommended the Rode VideoMic GO Compact Microphone. The Australian brand Rode is very well known for its affordable and high-quality microphones. This model is a bit big but not expensive (63€ or 96.99$ on Amazon),…
Using Rode VideoMic Me with Osmo Pocket
If, like me, you are a creator of minimalist video content, you have probably opted for one of those many sports cameras or an Osmo Pocket. If Osmo Pocket’s internal microphone is acceptable, you may need an external microphone to get good, professional-quality sound. All links are from Amazon because that’s where I bought my gear. I’ve read many reviews online, and everyone is going for the Rode VideoMicro model (95$, Amazon link). I tested this model because my sister has one. It’s compatible with Osmo Pocket, has all the mounts you need, but I find that its microphone stand is a bit big and its cable too long. Since…
2020, The Year in Review – after 4 years 1/2 around the world
On the eve of the year 2021 that everyone is looking forward to, it is time for me to take stock of this special year. It’s been 4 and a half years that we’ve been around the world. Wow.3 and a half years that we have been working as digital nomads. It is in 2020 that we start our 3rd round-the-world trip (as soon as we make a complete tour of the planet, we count a new one). Highlights of 2020 Here in chronological order are the important events of the year 2020: January 2020/February: we leave Yucatan (Mexico) to go to Oaxaca (Mexico) and then Mexico City, before traveling…
Where to take the Covid PCR test in Rome (Italy) as a Foreigner?
This article is addressed only to foreigners who leave Italy to go to a country that asks for a negative PCR test. For those who have just arrived in Italy, the procedure is much simpler and explained in detail here (form to be filled in and then tested directly at the airport). I didn’t have to do it as I arrived in Italy in September before this procedure was necessary. Background We decided to spend our Christmas vacations in Montenegro, via Croatia (no direct flight between Rome and Montenegro). We bought the plane tickets on November 25th, and it is only on December 1st that we learn that Croatia was…
Around the World 2016-2022: Our Itinerary
Here is the itinerary of our world tours. The dates will surely change along the way. Update: December 2020 If you think we might bump into you somewhere, let us know! 3rd round-the-world tour: March 2020 – ??? For this 3rd round-the-world tour, we continue to be digital nomads, despite a long stop in France because of the Covid.You have to come back to France in June 2021 for a wedding but it is the only imperative. France (Paris) Belgium (Mons, Bruges, Antwerp, Brussels) – from 01/03/2020 to 08/03/2020 : 8 days Germany (Cologne, along the Rhine, Bavaria, Munich, Nuremberg, Berlin) – 08/03/2020 to 16/03/2020: 9 days France (Paris &…
November 2020 Favorites: DIY & Amazon Kindle reviews
A small article to share with you my favorites of the moment. Workshops on Zoom I’m following the Zoom workshops with Zack from @paperandwood_ He’s very talented and is a very good teacher too. I learned how to make birds out of wire and also butterflies out of paper and wire. The classes are quite long (between 2h and 4h), and only in English, but he explains very well, is very positive and everyone follows the steps at the same time on Zoom. I didn’t buy the kit sold by Zack because I’m not sure I can receive the packages in Italy. I just paid for the course, but if…
Amazon Audible: My Tips for Paying Less
I watched the very bad movie “Le Beau Monde” with Ana Girardot as the lead actress. The script includes a little of DIY, sewing, embroidery etc. that’s why I was able to watch it all the way through. The heroine did a lot of manual things. There is a scene where she was listening to audio books and the hero asked her why she was doing it, she answered that it allowed her to concentrate on her manual activities while “reading” a book. Since I do a lot of DIY, I thought it was a good idea. That’s when I started listening to books on Audible. This post is NOT…