
  • TDM,  Thoughts

    [Thoughts] #9: Sickness & Guilt

    If you’ve been following the travel diaries in Italy, you know that I’ve been spending lots of time at the dentist’s office since September 2020, while treating my maskne and I haven’t been well since. In my family, we have a not very healthy relationship with diseases because there are two extremes: on my father’s side, everyone is in great shape, so at the slightest illness, it’s panic, we’re all going to die. On the mother’s side, everyone is constantly sick, so one illness more or less doesn’t change anything and doesn’t even deserve a visit to the doctor. Faced with illness, I adopt either the first or the second…

  • Around the world,  TDM,  Thoughts

    [Thoughts] #8: The Power of Giving – le Pouvoir du Don (The Power of Giving)

    This post comes from an elderly Vietnamese entrepreneur, who was trained by the three best entrepreneurial “schools” in the world: American, Japanese and Israeli. He regularly shares his thoughts and entrepreneurial lessons on his Facebook page. His reflection this morning touched me a lot because he was able to put into words the information I received and believe in, without knowing how to express it clearly. So I propose you here the translation in French, so that you can also access its information. This is an important message to remember and understand. Since I am not a translator by training, there are certain passages where I will paraphrase the idea…

  • Around the world,  Digital nomad,  TDM,  Thoughts

    [Thoughts] #7: Working on the first impression, The elevator pitch

    When you are interested in personal development, there are many ways to do it: read specialized books, pay a coach, do meditation etc. but I am lucky enough to have stumbled upon “a textbook case”: Matthew Hussey, a “self-proclaimed dating guru”. He has no qualifications, no references, one day he created his YouTube account to help women find their soul mate, he released a book (which became a New York Times bestseller) and since then, he hangs out with several “Hollywood A-list stars”, he gives several times a year a 3-day seminar where women pay 6000$ to listen to his advice – only to find no husband in the end.…

  • Around the world,  TDM,  Thoughts

    [Bloggers’ Life] – Thoughts during Covid, Part 3

    This article is unstructured, it will go in all directions, but I would just like to take a moment to write you and reveal, once again, the behind-the-scenes of the blog. I think it’s interesting and especially useful for me to track the progress of the blog, which is now part of my daily life I work in digital marketing and more precisely Google Adwords. I have a big client and several small clients since we are digital nomads. The contract with my big client was supposed to end at the end of March 2020 and we were supposed to be in Vietnam at the end of February. The blog…

  • TDM,  Thoughts

    [Thoughts] #6: Stop Acting Like a Victim

    Recently, on an expatriate forum, an English-speaking woman living in Paris complained about the behavior of Parisians against non-French speakers. As soon as she opens her mouth and speaks in English, she is literally ignored by most people or is answered in French in a contemptuous tone. Since the confinement, it is worse: she no longer dares to leave her home for fear of being questioned by the police on the reason for her attestation and being unable to answer in French. This story made me think a lot because with my small size and my small voice, in the past, I have had similar experiences, I know what it…

  • America,  Canada,  TDM,  Thoughts

    I Tried it! Holotropic Breathwork in Montreal – My Experience & Review

    Apparently, breathwork (rapid breathing to hyperventilation) is starting to be “trendy” in France. People participate in it as if it were a normal meditation or yoga class. While it is a very powerful way to access our psyche and should only be used when we really feel ready. In this article, I am going to talk about my experience of Holotropic Breathing, an experiment set up by Dr. Stanislav Grof, which allows access to the psyche by inducing a modified state of consciousness. The modified state of consciousness is reached several times a day without necessarily knowing it – when we dream, when we daydream, when we have just woken…

  • Others,  Thoughts

    [Test & Advice] Using hypnosis to treat bruxism (teeth grinding) & other traumas

    I feel very lucky because every time I need something, chance/universe gives me the solution. In this case, just when I needed it, I was not only given the coordinates of the best dentist in Montreal, but was also told about a method to cure bruxism: hypnosis. The origin of bruxism Bruxism = grinding your teeth at night. It is said that the noise is quite characteristic and horrible. This can be noticed if you share a bed with someone who is slightly sensitive to noise, or by taking an x-ray at the dentist. Unfortunately, French dentists do not check this point systematically, so if you have any doubt, ask…

  • TDM,  Thoughts

    Interview with Clément, humanitarian worker. His opinion on \”solidarity trips\”

    Traveling permanently is the choice we made when we became digital nomads. This way of life attracts and some seek to go on humanitarian missions to make themselves useful and quench their thirst for adventure. As many people are doing research on this subject, I proposed to our friend Clément* who works in the humanitarian field to answer some questions If you have any other questions, do not hesitate to ask them as a comment, I will pass them on to him so that he can shed some light. Hello Clément, can you introduce yourself in a few words (age, background, education, …)? Hello Jean-Benoît. Once my baccalaureate in my…

  • TDM,  Thoughts

    [Thoughts] #5: Realizing Dreams

    People often tell me “I’m too jealous, you can do this and that”. I often tell them “I’m sure you can do this too. The only thing that separates the dream from the reality is the action. And no one can do that for you.” Do you dream of going around the world? But if you don’t even know how much it costs on average to go around the world, how do you know when/if you can do it? Do you dream of changing jobs? But if you don’t even know what job to aim for, how can you train, find job offers or activate your network to get there?…

  • TDM,  Thoughts

    [Thoughts] #4: My Personal Development Books

    A few months ago, I started the “Reflection” section focused on personal development and I told you that I would give you a list of my books I started to work on myself in 2015 when I realized that despite a dream situation, I was very unhappy, and that my misfortunes came from me and not from others. After 3 years, I think I’ve come a long way: I was able to identify and understand why things were not going well, and change my way of seeing things. Since then, I’ve been doing much better. When did I realize that I have evolved and made progress? It was when my…