Schedules of the second class bus from Uxmal to Campeche (Mexico)
Few people know it, but there is a second class bus from Uxmal to Campeche with regular schedules. This allows you to get to Uxmal, continue on your way to Campeche, instead of going back to Merida and taking another bus to Campeche.
You can leave your luggage in the trunk but you have to open it and collect your luggage yourself (but tell the driver that you are going to open it anyway, otherwise he might leave). Just wave and say “maleta”, he will understand.
This bus is a second class bus and stops at all the small villages on the way.
- Duration: 3h to 3h30 (it depends on the traffic and the stops made on the spot).
- Departures: 7h – 10h05 – 11h40 – 13h05 – 15h – 16h30 – 18h05 – 19h (don’t despair if you don’t see it, it can be 20 to 30mn late)
- Price: 160 pesos
- Bus stop: on the other side of the street, on the main road, in front of the Planetario d’Uxmal (see photo)
To know the bus schedule for the other direction (Campeche – Uxmal), click here
If you have time, it is recommended that you sleep at Uxmal to enjoy its sound and light show at 7pm and visit the ruins early in the morning to avoid the heat. In this area, there are only luxury hotels. We recommend the Hacienda Uxmal Hotel, with its vintage style, where the Queen of England and Jackie Kennedy, among others, stayed near the bus stop … For 100€/night (Booking link )
The hotel we recommend in Campeche is the Socaire hotel (link Booking ) or the Mision Campeche hotel (link Booking). Both are located in the city center and have a lot of character.
the bus the stop sign
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