Tripmode: a Software to Reduce Your Computer’s Internet Consumption
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Since we arrived in Morocco, the wifi that we have in our accommodations aren’t fast enough to work comfortably.
We therefore use a pocket wifi in which we insert a SIM card to go through the 4G connection which is much faster.
We gain in speed, but we pay for each GB of connection consumed.
In Morocco it’s not very expensive (1 € per Go) but it is still necessary to be vigilant.
Enter :
- Cloud applications (Evernote, Dropbox, Google Drive, …) that synchronize.
- Spotify downloading the playlist of the week
- Automatic updates
- …
One can very quickly consume a lot.
We discovered a great software: TripMode that allows us to control all this.
TripMode is available on PC and Mac and costs the modest sum of 7.99 € (free trial version).
Once TripMode is launched you can :
- See each software that connects to the internet and see how much it consumes.
- In one click: allow or block access to the internet
Thanks to this we can have a very fine control of our consumption.
On the Mac version, you can even define different rules depending on the connection you are using. So, if I connect on the 4G connection, a limited number of applications will be able to use the internet. Whereas if it connects to the Wifi of the corner café, all applications will be able to connect.
On Windows, it seems to “remember” specific settings according to the name of the Wifi, but we don’t know where to customize or change the settings.
A great software that we recommend, we bought two licenses without any hesitation.
Only regret: there is no equivalent on Android and iOS.