Europe,  France,  Paris,  TDM,  Travel Journal

Stopover in Paris (France)

That’s it, we are back in Paris, after our long stay in Haute-Normandie with our cat Rosalie. Even if we love our cat very much, our return to France wasn’t only to bring her on vacation, our passports being archi-full, we planned to stay there for a month (we planned wide) in order to redo them and apply for a Frequent Traveler Passport (more info here), and do a health check-up before flying to America, where our social security is useless 😀

Between Haute-Normandie and Iceland, there is an essential stopover: Paris. First, to deposit our cat at my sister’s, then, to take the plane for Iceland.

During the 3 and a half days in Paris, I alternated between working and running – from one place to another, to see as many people as possible.

During this express passage in Paris, I caught a cold (because of pollens or cold?? no sé), and we can’t say that the general atmosphere is very happy 😀 Taking the subway becomes very unpleasant, so despite many cool activities, I couldn’t wait to leave the capital.

Facial massage at Delphine Langlois’ house

Among the cool activities is an express visit to Delphine Langlois, who is a facialist , meaning that she provides high quality facials, most of them based on massage techniques from all over the world. I had the opportunity to see her for a kobido (Japanese) massage before leaving for Normandy. She is one of the few beauticians to be trained and certified by THE kobido master. And after a spectacular result (acne spots that faded away even though they took months to go away), I came back to see her for another massage invented by a Russian osteopath, face sculpt. It is a massage that is particularly suitable for people who grind their teeth, like me. Each time, the massages were done in a personalized way to emphasize the areas where I had the most problems.

I’ll let you see the video which is much more telling. To make an appointment, you have to make it in advance (one month and a half). More info on his Instagram account

The astrological signs of the temple of Dendera

During our trip to Egypt, our guide told us a lot about the temple in Dendera and a ceiling where we could see the twelve astrological signs. The original was dismantled and brought back to Paris and is now in the Louvre museum. I don’t know why, but it spoke to me a lot and I absolutely had to go and see it.

So I adapted my schedule to go there at all costs. The Egyptian part of the Louvre Museum is closed on Friday, and the museum is closed on Tuesday, so I got up early to go there on Wednesday morning. And fortunately, because an hour later, there were already a lot of people there.

It took me a long time to find this ceiling, well hidden in a corner.

Luckily there is an explanatory sign with diagrams next to it because we have great difficulty recognizing the signs – drawings of the Egyptian Gods.

I have never seen anything like this before on our trip to Egypt and it is a real treasure we have here. It took me 30 minutes to find the Virgo sign, my astrological sign ahahaha so I’m not the horoscope reading type. Luckily the presence of a lion, quite visible, guides me.

In any case, it’s a very realistic vision of the sky at the time it was made (51 BC?), and it says that the sky will be exactly like that, every 1000 years! And by looking at this ceiling, historians understood that the Egyptians already had the knowledge and knew how to calculate lunar and solar eclipses.

That’s all for today, will be put online – very soon – the first travel books in Iceland.

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