Test & review of the sento Ginza-yu in Tokyo (Japan)
To find out how a session in an Onsen takes place, it’s this way.
The neighborhood sento closest to our airbnb is the first one I tested in Tokyo.
As usual, we take off our shoes and put them in a locker before entering (no need for a locker room).
Admission costs 460 yen to buy at the ATM (no cash machine).
Little misunderstanding with the host lady when I explain to her that I want to buy a soap and shampoo by showing her the ones on her desk. I finally understand that they are available for free in the baths.
We climb a few steps to reach the checkroom and then the baths. The facilities are clean, the place has probably been renovated recently.
This is however the smallest sento I have done so far.
As in all sentos, there are individual places to wash. There are then only 2 baths. Both at 40°C, one of them with some massaging jets.
That’s all, no cold baths as I like them. No hot baths at various temperatures. No sauna or hammam.
After 10 minutes of washing and 10 minutes in the hot baths, it is therefore, red as a shrimp, using the cold tap of the individual places and a basin that I rinse myself.
A neighborhood sento to go to if you need to wash, the interest in terms of relaxation is limited. One finds surely much better elsewhere in Tokyo.
Rates: 460 yen. Soap and shampoo included.
Hours: Monday to Saturday from 3pm to 11pm.
No indication concerning tattoos.